Born: 1974, Minsk, Belarus, male
Nationality: Belarusian
Mailing address:
Dept. of Physiology, Belarusian State University, Nezhaleznasti Av., 4, 220030, Minsk, Belarus
Phone: +375 17 209-58-06, Fax: +375 17 209-58-08, E-mail: sidorov
Education & Degrees:
2018: Professor (Physiology) - Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus;
2013: Doctor of Sciences in Biology (Physiology and Neurobiology) - Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus, Dissertation title: "Nervous centers functional activity at volume transmission";
2005: Docent (Biology) - Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus;
2001: Candidate of Sciences (equivalent to Ph.D.) in Biology (Physiology) - Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Dissertation title: "Temperature dependence of Lymnaea stagnalis nervous system functional activity";
1996-1999: Department of Physiology, School of Biology, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (Post-Graduate Course);
1991-1996: School of Biology, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (5-year Education Diploma in Biology, with First Class Honours, equivalent to M.Sc. and a professional qualification for teaching in Higher Education, June 1996);
1981-1991: Secondary School № 32, Minsk, Belarus (School leaving certificate and Silver Medal)
Positions held:
2024 – present: Professor (part-time); Department of Biochemistry, School of Biology, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
2019: Visiting Professor (Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching); Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy, University Of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
2014 – present: Professor; Department of Physiology, School of Biology, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
2004 – 2014: Docent (equivalent to U.S. Associate Professor); Department of Physiology, School of Biology, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
2003 – 2004: Research Fellow; MRC Dunn Human Nutrition Unit (at present: MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine), Cambridge, UK
2000 – 2003: Assistant (equivalent to U.S. Assistant Professor); Department of Physiology, School Of Biology, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
2021 – Charter, Ministry of Education, Republic of Belarus;
2018 – Honours Board, Belarusian State Iniversity;
2016 – Chancellor's Commendation, Belarusian State University;
2016 – Scholarship for Talanted Young Scientists (D.Sc. under 45);
2014 – A.N. Sevchenko Prize, Belarusian State University Pdf 1,37 Mb (in Russian);
2012, 2024 – Honorary Charter, Belarusian State University;
2007 – Charter, Belarusian State University;
2002 – Charter, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Belarus
Teaching experience:
Faculty lecture/practical* course (specialities "biology", "biochemistry", "microbiology", "ecology" and "biotechnology"): Human Anatomy (28h lectures, 30h practicals and 6h seminars), Developmental Biology (28h lectures, 20h practicals and 4h seminars);
Faculty lecture/practical course (speciality "biology", Master's degree): Neurobiology (24h lectures, 12h practicals and 18h seminars for Russian-speaking students; 24h lectures, 18h practicals and 12h seminars for English-speaking students);
Department lecture/practical course (speciality "biology"): Physiology of Intercellular Communication (26h lectures, 10h practicals and 4h seminars);
Department lecture/practical course (speciality "biochemistry"): Molecular Mechanisms of Hormonal Regulation (34h lectures, 16h practicals and 6h seminars);
Supervising Professor for yearly projects and undergraduate thesises (successfully graduated - 51).
Scientific adviser for Masters (successfully graduated - 3) and PhD students (successfully graduated - 3)
* - for each group of students
Research support grants:
2022-2024 : Research Grant from Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research. Project name “Membrane mechanisms of adaptation to hyperglycemia in neurons of different chemical type” (# B22-105);
2016-2020 : State Program for Scientific Researches "Convergence-2020" (task 3.10.2). Project name: “Design and creation of educational complex in Neurobiology”;
2016-2018 : State Program for Scientific Researches "Fundamental and Applied Sciences for Medicine" (task 1.08). Project name: “Membrane mechanisms of age-dependent changes in different types of neurons”;
2011-2015 : State Program for Scientific Researches "Convergence" (task Project name: “Study of neurophysiological mechanisms underlying learning during bioradicals level changes in brain”;
2008-2010 : Research Grant from Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (joint with the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Russian Academy of Sciences). Project name “Regulation of neuronal networks properties by free radicals” (# B08R-075);
2005-2007 : Youth Research Grant from Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research “Synaptic conductance modulation in mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis nervous system during internal environment pH changes” (# B05M-055);
2003–2004 : Royal Society / NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship;
2002-2004 : Youth Research Grant from Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research “pH-Dependent reactions in identified neurones of mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis” (# B02M-045).
Research interests:
Cell Physiology and Electrophysiology, Neurophysiology, Animal Behaviour, Invertebrate Neuroscience.
Results of research activity are presented in 221 scientific (17 of them - on educational practice) publications and 31 tutorials (2024)
Selected Publications:
Books & Book's Chapters:
Sidorov A.V. Nervous centers functional activity in invertebrates (2011) Minsk: BSU, 247 p. (in Russian)
Sidorov A.V. Neuronal networks properties during modulation of conductance via identified Lymnaea synapses (2011) In: Signal Transduction in Nervous Cells / Ed. Sergei V. Fedorovich. Trivandrum (Kerala, India): Research Signpost. P. 63-74. 340 Kb
Articles in peer reviewed journals:
Sidorov A.V., Shadenko V.N. Passive membrane properties and spike characteristics in a pair of identified electrically coupled Lymnaea stagnalis neurons under long-term experimental hyperglycemia // J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. 2023. Vol. 59, № 2. P. 369–381. DOI 10.1134/S0022093023020060 1,25 Mb SharedIt link
Sidorov A.V., Shadenko V.N. Electrical activity of identified neurons in the central nervous system of a mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis under acute hyperglycemia (2021) J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 57, № 6. P. 1257–1266. DOI 10.1134/S0022093021060065 626 Kb, SharedIt link
Shadenko V.N., Sidorov A.V. Antioxidative defense in the hepatopancreas and nerve ganglia of the mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis after acute experimental hyperglycemia (2020) J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 56, № 3. P. 235–242. DOI 10.1134/S0022093020030060 250 Kb, SharedIt link
Sidorov A.V. Neuromodulation effects of hydrogen peroxide on central neurons within feeding network in the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis (2017) J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 53, № 6. P. 493–500. 1,28 MbSharedIt link
Sidorov A.V. Evolution of cell-to-cell communication and structural brain organization (2012) J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 48, № 4. P. 377–384. 100 Kb
Sidorov A.V. Effect of hydrogen peroxide on electrical coupling between identified Lymnaea neurons (2012) Invert. Neurosci. Vol. 12, № 1. P. 63–68. (324 Kb, preprint )
Sidorov A.V. Temperature dependence of monoamine-induced pulmonary respiration of mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis (2012) J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 48, № 3. P. 287–294. 511 Kb
Sidorov A.V. Cellular basis of temperature dependence of the food-procuring activity of the molluscs Lymnaea stagnalis (2009) J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 45, № 3. P. 365–371. 511 Kb
Sidorov A.V., Maslova G.T. State of antioxidative protection in central nervous ganglia of the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis at modulation of activity of the NO-ergic system (2008) J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 44, № 5. P. 435–441. 384 Kb
Sidorov A.V. Coordination of locomotor activity of mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis at nutrition: role of the internal medium acid-base balance (pH) (2006) J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 42, № 1. P. 43–48. 180 Kb
Sidorov A.V. Effect of acute temperature change on lung respiration of the mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis (2005) J. Therm. Biol. Vol. 30, № 2. P. 163–171. 510 Kb
Sidorov A.V. Effects of temperature on respiration, defensive behavior and locomotion of fresh-water snail Lymnaea stagnalis (2003) J. Vysch. Nerv. Deyat. I.P. Pavlova. Vol. 53, № 4. P. 521–525. 836 Kb, in Russian
Sidorov A.V., Polyanina I.P. Acid-base balance modulates respiratory and alimentary behaviour of the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis (2003) J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 39, № 5. P. 555–561. 220 Kb
Sidorov A.V. Effect of temperature on synaptic transmission between identified neurones of the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis (2002) Neurosci. Lett. Vol. 333 (1). P. 1–4. 132 Kb
Sidorov A.V., Kazakevich V.B. Еlectrical coupling between identified Lymnaea neurons: Nitric monoxide and temperature action (2001) In: Protein Modules in Cellular Signalling / Ed. L. Heilmeyer and P. Friedrich. NATO Science Series: Life Sciences. Vol. 318. P. 150–153. 292 Kb
Sidorov A.V., Kazakevich V.B. Dependence of electric activity of motoneurons and locomotor behavior of Lymnaea stagnalis on environmental temperature (2001) J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. Vol. 37, № 3. P. 252–258. 128 Kb
Sidorov A.V., Kazakevich V.B., Moroz L.L. Nitric oxide selectively enhances cAMP levels and electrical coupling between identified RPaD2/VD1 neurons in the CNS of Lymnaea stagnalis (L.) (1999) Acta Biol. Hung. Vol. 50, № 1–3. P. 229–233. 585 Kb
Selected tutorials (all in Russian):
Sidorov А.V. Foundations in Cellular Neurobiology. Мinsk: BSU, 2020. 395 p.11,03 Мб
Sidorov А.V. Foundations in Neurobiology: Cells and Contacts of the Nervous Tissue. Мinsk: BSU, 2019. 139 p. 19,5 Мб
Maslova G.Т., Sidorov А.V. Foundations in Developmental Biology. Мinsk: BSU, 2013. 374 p. (Classical University Edition)
Sidorov А.V. Physiology of Intercellular Communication. Minsk: BSU, 2008. 215 p. 9,1 Mb
Chumak A.G., Sidorov А.V., Sandakov D.B., Rutkevich S.A., Polukhovich G.S., Semeiko L.N., Kazakevich V.B., Karman E.K. Human and Аnimal Physiology: Practicals / – Minsk : BSU, 2023. — 179 p.
Sidorov А.V., Rutkevich S.A., Karavai T.V., Karman E.K., Polukhovich G.S. Human Anatomy: Practicals. Ed. by A.V. Sidorov / Мinsk: BSU, 2022. 191 p.
idorov А.V., Maslova G.Т., Lusina K.M., Karman E.K. Foundations in Developmental Biology: Practicals. Ed. by A.V. Sidorov / Мinsk: BSU, 2016. 239 p.
Chumak A.G., Sandakov D.B., Sidorov A.V. et al. Human and Animal Physiology [Electronic resource]: Access mode:, restricted access: practicals for biology students / Ed. A.G. Chumak. Minsk : BSU, 2011.
Maslova G.Т., Sidorov А.V. Brief Atlas in Developmental Biology. Мinsk: BSU, 2008. 108 p. + CD. 40,2 Mb
Gourine V.N., Semenemya I.N., Gourine А.V., Dunai V.I., Zakharevskaya G.I., Maslova G.T., Solodovnikova I.I., Tsariuk V.V., Sandakov D.B., Sidorov А.V., Polukhovich G.S., Semeiko L.N., Karman E.K. et al. Human and Animal Physiology: Practicals. Ed. by V.N. Gourine / Мinsk: BSU, 2002. 120 p. 466 Kb
Lecture Courses:
Maslova G.Т., Sidorov А.V. Foundations in Developmental Biology [Electronic resourse]: Course of Lectures / Мinsk: BSU, 2015. 1 CD. all in one file (173,47 Mb), discrete presentations (select and download)
Maslova G.Т., Sidorov А.V. Developmental Biology: Organogenesis and Mechannisms of Embriogenesis (Course of Lectures) / Мinsk: BSU, 2012. 104 p.5,2 Mb
Maslova G.Т., Sidorov А.V. Developmental Biology: Comparative Embriology (Course of Lectures) / Мinsk: BSU, 2009. 96 p. 44,1 Mb
Maslova G.Т., Sidorov А.V. Developmental Biology: early stages (Course of Lectures) / Мinsk: BSU, 2009. 95 p. 2,15 Mb
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