Presentation: «Faculty of Biology of Belarusian State University» (PPSX - 9,7 Mb)
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The Faculty of Biology was founded in 1931.

V. V. Lysak [et al.]; ed. by V. V. Demidchik.
«Faculty of Biology of Belarusian State University»,
Minsk: BSU, 2012. — 64 p. ISBN 978-985-518-756-2.
(PDF - 13,8 Mb)
There are a Zoological Museum, Fundamental Herbarium, Botanical Gardens at the Faculty. There is also the Scientific and research Centre «Naroch biological station named after G.G. Vinberg», which is used for both scientific investigations and academic purposes. A wall newspaper «Vita» is being issued at the faculty. There is also «Biotheater», which is very popular both with the students and the lecturers.
17 professors, 40 associate professors, 56 post-graduates and 1800 students.
Qualification «Biologist». «Biologist. Teacher of Biology and Chemistry». «Biologist-Biotechnologist. Teacher of Biology».
Specialization Zoology; Botany; Physiology of Plants; Physiology of Humans and Animals; Biochemistry; Microbiology; Genetics; Biotechnology.
Qualification «Biologist. Biochemist».
Specialization Analytical Biochemistry; Biochemistry of drugs.
Qualification «Biologist. Microbiologist».
Specialization Applied Microbiology; Molecular Microbiology.
Qualification «Biologist-Ecologist. Teacher of Biology and Ecology».
Specialization General Ecology.
# Botany
# Microbiology
# Zoology
# Human and Animal physiology
# Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants
# General Ecology and Methods of Teaching of Biology
# Genetics
# Biochemistry
# Molecular Biology
Hydroecology; Molecular Genetics of Bacteria; Problems of Thermoregulation; Plants Cytogenetics; Biochemistry of Metabolism; Plant Cell Physiology; Applied Biochemistry Problems.
Zoology; Botany; Microbiology; Human and Animals physiology; Biochemistry; Cytology and Histology; Genetics; Ecology and Rational use of Nature; Plant physiology; Immunology; Biotechnology; Virology; Evolutionary Theory; Biophysics; Xenobiology; Radiobiology; Biometry; Development Biology; History of biology; Molecular Biology; Human Anatomy; Biologically active (Bioactive) substances; Molecular Biology of gene, etc.
Flora and vegetation of Belarus; Floriculture with basic of landscape design; Medicinal plants; Algology; Mycology; Phytopathology; Principal groups of prokaryotic microorganisms; Fundamentals of molecular biology; Anti-microbe medicines; Medical microbiology; Extrachromosomal hereditary structures of microorganism cells; Industrial microbiology; Molecular bacteriology; Applied immunology; Molecular mechanisms of genetical processes; Metabolism regulation in pro- and eukaryotes; Animals of Belarus; Zoogeography; Parasitology; Entomology; Population ecology of animals; Landscape ecology; Photosynthesis; Mineral feeding of plants; Ecological plant physiology; Electrophysiology; Physiology of intercellular communication; Autonomous nervous system; Comparative physiology; Basics of cell physiology; Molecular genetics of pro- and eukaryotes; Biotechnology of plants; Human genetics; Genetic analysis; Endocrinology; Ecological biochemistry; Radiational biochemistry; Bioenergetics; Cell cultivation; Vector systems; Biosensor systems; Engineering enzymology; Cell engineering; Immobilized cells and enzymes; Immunological enzymatic analysis; Producers in biotechnological productions; Applied ecology; Hydrobiology; Human ecology; Physiological ecology; Bioindication of enviroument quality; Physical geography; Chemical ecology; Ecological problems in Belarus; Ecological monitoring, control and examination; Radioecology; Molecular Biology of yeasts; Genomics; Proteomics; Molecular basic of biosignaling; Molecular basis of antioxidant systems functioning; Enzymology; Bioengineering of Plants and Biosafety; Pharmacognozy, etc.
# The study of species diversity and bioecology of higher plants, micromycetes, lichens and the possibilities of maintaining their biodiversity;
# The study of genetic structure, mechanisms of biosynthesis and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes, factors of pathogenicity and virulence of phytopathogenic bacteria;
# The study of biological variety of the fauna of Belarus at the species and biocenosis level;
# The study of the development and state of plant photosynthesis organs in different conditions, regulation of ion transport systems of plasmalemma and accumulation of radionucleoides;
# The study of neuronal and biochemical mechanisms of homeostasis maintenance influenced by physical and chemical factors;
# The study of matter rotation and energy flow in water ecosystems as the basis of reservoir productivity, self-purification and formation of the quality of water;
# The study of molecular mechanisms of cell resistance to the damaging action of xenobiotics and physical factors of the environment;
# Research and study of pharmacologically active compounds, compositions and extracts of plant and animal origin, possessing antitumour, radioprotective, geneprotective, photoprotective and antimutagenic activity;
# Research of molecular genetic mechanisms of microbial synthesis of biologically active compounds suitable for biotechnological use.

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